What's up everybody, Chris here - Phalanx founder. Today marks the beginning of our Limited Edition Autism Awareness project!
If you're new to the fam give it a read below. If you're part of the #phalanxfamily already, you know what this is all about!
In a nutshell:
- We're running a limited edition pre-order campaign
- All the profits will be donated to one of you who is the primary caretaker of an autistic family member (the last recipient got $10,000!)
- Why?
Because it's not enough to just have a brand, you have to give back, and here at Phalanx, we give back on an intense level.
- How? Two ways:
1) fill out the form telling us your unique story.
2) buy gear from this collection
BONUS: every gear purchased 4x's your chances of winning.
- When?
During the month of April
How do I participate?
If you know someone who has an autistic family member and is in our Jiu Jitsu fam, please forward this email to them!
If you're a Jiu Jitsu brother or sister with an autistic child or is the primary caretaker of one, simply fill out the form below and tell us your story.
And of course, buy the gear from this project! It's all about supporting each other!
Thank you soooo much for even taking the time to read this. Please help us impact someone's life.
Much love and respect,
Chris Martinez and the Phalanx Team
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