What's up everybody, Chris here - Phalanx founder. I am super stoked to drop some news here that I KNOW will be interesting to you specifically AND your BJJ gym...
As most of you know, giving back is a huge part of what Phalanx does. It's not enough to just have dope designs, you gotta give back to the culture that made you. And we do that on a high level.
We have a charity drop popping off next month and this one will interest you very much because of where the money is going.
How so?
Well, in a nutshell, we're running a pre-order campaign for a limited "United we Roll" drop and all of the proceeds are getting pumped back into the bjj gyms! Cash straight to your gym.
Because we believe in strengthening the community of jiu jitsu and the BJJ Dojo is the most precious part.
What's the drop gonna be?
We've got rash guards for men, women, and kid's - in both long or short sleeve. So whatever your flavor, we got it.
We've got all four of our shorts - RIZR, HPLT, BATL, and the new HPTX.
We're dropping it in spats for both men and women.
And we have three different t-shirt colors to choose from!
What gym gets the cash?
During the month of July you can nominate your gym to win the cash infusion! Obviously, people who purchase get a much higher chance of their gym winning, but you never know. It really depends on the stories I get.
If you'd like to learn more about this epic inaugural giving back campaign, I went deep on it with Dave Bever of "Grappling with Life" podcast. You can catch the show here.
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